Even More Things to do in London

  With parks, ancient castles and monuments, and the always pulsating and cosmopolitan streets of the city there are nearly limitless options for how to spend your time in London. Of course, in a world of limitless options, some help is handy in order push visitors towards some of the most acclaimed activities the city has to offer. Even a […]

Things to do in London

  London is a city with things to do from everyone. An ancient and storied city, there are numerous attractions that cater to history buffs like Tower Bridge, the parliament buildings, and Buckingham Palace. Not just a place for people to seek out history there are also a variety of other pursuits mainly connected to wandering the city and indulging […]

Ways to Annoy a Vancouverite

  Vancouver is a city that has a bounties of natural beauty and bounties of rain too. A great place by all accounts people that live in the city are generally lucky. There is a cool that pervades the city and people here do live a good life style and are accepting, but still the levels of their acceptance have […]

More Things to do in Toronto

  Toronto is a city with much to do and every type of scene that you can think of, complete with great galleries and museums, the worlds tallest free standing structure, and numerous cool areas with different restaurants and bars. People that come to Toronto are never left without things to do. A few more activities that visitors to the […]

Things to do in Toronto

  One of the best city’s in North America, Toronto is a city with much going on and a real cosmopolitan vibe. Considered the most multi cultural city in the world there is never a shortage of things that you can do in Toronto. A great selling point of the city is that the varied nationalities that live here all […]

Conversations with Strangers on Planes and Trains

  If you were standing on the street and a stranger walked up to you and started blabbering perhaps you would want to re-adjust your headphones and walk the other direction. On a plane or train though conversations can often, the not always, be pretty good. A few elements of travel conversation are: Travel is a natural ice breaker  Unlike […]

London on the Cheap

At the start of a trip the pockets are full and opportunity is plenty. For any traveler though that chooses to keep the trip going as long as they can that will change pretty fast. Eventually, the decision to have the next beer in a pub will become a drawn out thought process and mathematical calculation. Seasoned travelers always find […]