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Top Five Cyclist Cities in the World

Top Five Cyclist Cities in the World

Getting around on a bicycle is both the cheapest and easiest way to get around in a city that doesn’t have many hills. Certain cities have truly embraced this green method of transport and have taken it in as the dominant form to get from point A to point B. Below is a listing of the top five cities that use peddle power to its maximum.


1) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
With the highest per capita amount of bicycles in the world Amsterdam is the true Mecca of the bicycle. Streets cater first to bicycles than to pedestrians and cars second. Laws match this with a unique system that places all bicycle car accidents in the fault of the driver. Bike lanes with bike specific signals are on all major streets. The parking complexes for bicycles are a sight in of themselves. The parking structure next to Central Station houses tens of thousands of bikes.

2) Copenhagen, Denmark
In the capital of Denmark the streets are specially retrofitted for the bicycle. There are thousands of them flowing down any of the main streets at any given moment. Danish statistics show that on any given day 40% of people will use a bicycle to get to and from work. Copenhagen is a cyclists dream with more than 250 kilometres of cycle paths, mass facilities for locking bikes, and traffic cycles catering to bikes.

3) Portland, United States
Portland is the American leader in establishing the bike as the dominant form of transport in a city. The city boasts more than 400 kilometers of bike paths, on street bike lanes, paved paths, lock up facilities in the city core, and municipal mandates that offer incentives to developers willing to provide showers and locker rooms for bike commuters. All in all, this Pacific Northwest hub is very progressive in catering to bike riders.

4) Munich, Germany
Always nice when a city government itself realizes that the best way to get around its streets is the bicycle. The city ordinance of Munich lets people know that people will travel within 4 square kilometers of down town “more quickly and flexibly on a bike than by any other means of transport.

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